English 中文(简体)
2. 时间上限——与视觉演播室挂钩
原标题:Get maximum value for time_t with Visual Studio


 timeval tv;
 tv.tv_sec = std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max();

该法典在各种类型的欧诺托公司和MacOS X公司下进行罚款。



 typedef int time_t;

这并不是因为 com子现在抱怨:

error C2371:  time_t  : redefinition; different basic types


tv.tv_sec = std::numeric_limits<decltype(tv.tv_sec)>::max();


template<typename T> 
void set_max(T& val){val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();}


<>你不能这样做。 时间――t isn t 甚至必然是整体类型。 这可能是一种障碍或实际上的任何东西。

既然你想重新确定谁是谁是谁是谁,那么你为什么不在那里使用正确的类型? 这被定义为长期,因此,你应当:

tv.tv_sec = std::numeric_limits<long int>::max();

Although, I notice now that POSIX says tv_sec is a time_t even though MSDN and the GNU libc use long int. These old time APIs that can t even distinguish between durations and time points are definitely due for replacement. If you can use C++11 check out std::chrono.

任何途径,std: 识数_limits<std:time_t>:max( 事实上,甚至视窗都给予最大时间——t值。 问题只是“温得”的定义: tv_sec isn t time_t as POSIX mandate, and so the put to long int have the anti number.

However this can be fixed on Windows by defining _USE_32BIT_TIME_T. This will cause the definition for time_t to match the type used in timeval for tv_sec, and then your std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max() will work.

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