English 中文(简体)
语言 如何在某个职位被汇总时重新打造想象?
原标题:Wordpress jQuery How to reset pagination when a post is toggled?

Surely, someone must have an idea of how t get this to work...

My blog is currently set where I have a custom page that displays only posts in a given category. Each post has a toggle button. When the toggle button is pressed, the post hides (the ENTIRE div is hidden with title and all post content). This works as desired.

The page is also set to display 10 posts per page. If I have 11 posts, the 11th is pushed to page 2. This works as desired.

问题是,当一个员额(第3员额)合并时,我在这个网页上总共剩下9个员额,11个员额留在网页上。 2. 结 论 我本来想要的是,当3个员额被汇总时,11个员额应结转到第1页,第2页基本上消失(因为没有员额可以显示)。

For illustration purposes: Page 1 displays Posts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Page 2 displays Posts 11...and so on.

If Post 3 is toggled: Page 1 displays Posts 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Page 2 disappears (unless there is a post 12,13, etc)


页: 1

    $paged = (get_query_var( paged )) ? get_query_var( paged ) : 1;
    $args = array(
         category_name  =>  post ,
         paged  => $paged,
         posts_per_page  => 10
    while (have_posts()) : the_post();

..........the posts are displayed.............

    <?php endwhile; ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
var pager = new Imtech.Pager();
$(document).ready(function() {
pager.paragraphsPerPage = 5; // set amount elements per page
pager.pagingContainer = $( #paginate ); // set of main container
pager.paragraphs = $( div.z , pager.pagingContainer); // set of required containers


    $(document).on("click", ".toggle", function(){
    postID = $(this).attr( id ).replace( toggle_ ,   );

    // Declare variables
    value =  0 ;


    return false;

function myajax(){
    // Send values to database
        url:  check.php ,
        //check.php receives the values sent to it and stores them in the database
        type:  POST ,
        data:  postID=  + postID +  &value=  + value,
        success: function(result) {
             $( #post_  + postID).toggle();


var Imtech = {};
Imtech.Pager = function() {
this.paragraphsPerPage = 3;
this.currentPage = 1;
this.pagingControlsContainer =  #pagingControls ;
this.pagingContainerPath =  #contained ;
this.numPages = function() {
    var numPages = 0;
    if (this.paragraphs != null && this.paragraphsPerPage != null) {
        numPages = Math.ceil(this.paragraphs.length / this.paragraphsPerPage);
    return numPages;
this.showPage = function(page) {
    this.currentPage = page;
    var html =   ;
    this.paragraphs.slice((page-1) * this.paragraphsPerPage,
        ((page-1)*this.paragraphsPerPage) + this.paragraphsPerPage).each(function() {
        html +=  <div>  + $(this).html() +  </div> ;
    renderControls(this.pagingControlsContainer, this.currentPage, this.numPages());
var renderControls = function(container, currentPage, numPages) {
    var pagingControls =  Page: <ul> ;
    for (var i = 1; i <= numPages; i++) {
        if (i != currentPage) {
            pagingControls +=  <li><a href="#" onclick="pager.showPage(  + i +  ); return false;">  + i +  </a></li> ;
        } else {
            pagingControls +=  <li>  + i +  </li> ;
    pagingControls +=  </ul> ;




  • there is no problem with generating pagination through javascript and php
  • you have same behaviour for initial load and subsequent loads(when user hides a post)
  • you can make the pagination work with jquery pretty easy

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