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Pagination in SQL Server

How do i limit the result of a query (in my case about 60K rows) and select only from the X row to the Y row?

If I use ROW_NUMBER() I don t like my query because it involves 2 select queries .. one to return the rows and one to select the portion I need


Here s the query I use now:

FROM    (
        SELECT  row_number() OVER (ORDER BY E.LastChangeDate DESC) AS row, E.*, U.[DisplayName] AS EntryCreatorDisplayName, U.[Email] AS EntryCreatorEmail
        FROM    entries e
        INNER JOIN
                users u
        ON      e.fk_user= u.id
        WHERE   e.EntryRank = 2
                AND u.Administrator = 1
        ) as TableWithRows
WHERE   (row >= 31 AND row <= 60)
WITH    q AS
        SELECT  TOP (@Y) m.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mycol) AS rn
        FROM    mytable m
        ORDER BY
FROM    q
WHERE   rn >= @X

In SQL Server 2000:

FROM    (
        SELECT  TOP (@Y - @X) *
        FROM    (
                SELECT  TOP (@X) *
                FROM    mytable
                ORDER BY
                ) q
        ORDER BY
                mycol DESC
        ) q2

Row_Number() function can be used for this. Please refer to following article for usage http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3572301/RowNumber-function-in-SQL-Server-2005.htm

Don t have access to SQL at this very moment, but would something like this work?

SELECT tempid=IDENTITY(int, 1, 1), * FROM tbl WHERE tempid >= @x AND tempid <= @y

I m not too familiar with MSSQL, But in MySQL, I d do something like this:

LIMIT 50, 10

Where 10 is the number of records to skip, and 50 is the number to take.

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