English 中文(简体)
原标题:Temporary folder for uploads

我想设立一个临时文件,在我的申请中储存上载荷。 我在申请中添加了脚本,在开发过程中,我做了一些细微的工作。

However when I publish to my test server, the folder doesn t get published unless it has a file in it. On top of that, the permissions are wrong on the folder and I need to manually change them by logging onto the test server and doing it through explorer. I am using ClickOnce WebDeploy to publish to the test server.

是否有比我这样做更好的选择? 或以某种方式在出版时将许可放在文件夹上?


To automate the setting of folder permissions, see http://sedodream.com/2011/11/08/SettingFolderPermissionsOnWebPublish.aspx

要部署双手,最容易的办法就是在你的项目中把一只 du子文件,如一只 file子文件,其中没有任何东西。 Web Deploy获得一只手.,是空的。



你不提你重新使用什么方法出版。 FTP? 档案系统

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