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pr在露头脑(Azure Directorate YAML)时未启动
原标题:pr not triggered when opening github PR (Azure pipeline YAML)

The goal

I m pretty new dell and I mtries tostart a管线 from a . 背书生活在Github。


trigger: none # I turned this off for to stop push triggers (but they work fine)

      - "*" # This does not trigger the pipeline 

  - stage: EchoTriggerStage
    displayName: Echoing trigger reason
      - job: A
          - script: echo  Build reason::::  $(Build.Reason)
            displayName: The build reason

# ... some more stages here triggered by PullRequests....
# ... some more stages here triggered by push (CI)....

The pr on Github looks like this: enter image description here

The problem

However, the pipeline is not triggered, when the push triggers work just fine.

我读到 但我看不出为什么不这样做。

当我通过<条码>git 推介<>/条码>启动时,输油管完全是细致的。 然而,当我试图用吉布的“PR”来启动时,就没有发生。 在上述法典中,我试图改变推土机,允许所有从业者启动管道。 还是没有。



我更新了Myaml文档,以便按建议在地下工作。 由于输油管目前实际上通过推船进行,因此,Myaml档案的其他细节并不相关,因此被搁置。

Other things I have tried

  • Opening new PR on Github
  • Closing/Reopening PR on Github
  • Making change to existing PR on Github

- &;但无管道启动。


解决办法是:利用PRggerlines-> 管道-> Tris-> 进行认证。


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