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Windows Azure WebRole stuck in a deployment loop

I ve been struggling with this one for a couple of days now. My current Windows Azure WebRole is stuck in a loop where the status keeps changing between Initializing, Busy, Stopping and Stopped.

It never goes live, and I can can never see the website as a result. The WebRole is an "out of the box" MVC 2 application with Copy Local set to true on the Mvc dll and I haven t even tried hooking up a storage or WorkerRole yet, and there is nothing really happening inside the Start method that I can see would crash.

I ve really tried going back to basics to ensure nothing can complicate the process and the website launches without a problem on the Dev Fabric and yes it looks just like the standard "Home", "About" MVC app - just can t get it running in the cloud!

Funny thing is, a few days ago, this exact package worked on the staging area in the cloud, and I could even see it in the browser - but could never get it swapped over to production, so I deleted everything and started from scratch, and now I can t even get it running on staging...

Does anyone have any ideas on what I could do to diagnose this problem myself because since logging this problem on the forums 2 days ago, there has been no improvement or feedback.

Any help appreciated, Regards, Rob G


Turns out there are a number of things that can cause this to happen. A full thread on the Microsoft forums goes through most of them and details my adventures in the arena.


Hope this helps...


I think the best starting point is enabling remote desktop on all role instances. Saves a lot of heart ache wondering why the heck isn t the diagnostics aren t logging anything.

By remoting in you can eye ball the event logs and find lots of reasons for azure unhappness

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