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• 如何扩大AvalonDock文件Pane
原标题:How to stretch/maximise an AvalonDock DocumentPane

我正在使用AvalonDock诉1.3, NET 3.5。

我在设计时增加了两份文件Pans,以备震.Manager。 第一个目标被确定为可见,第二个是隐蔽的(见Visibility=“Collapsed”)。

当我提出申请时,第二份文件Pane被看见not<>em>,这是打算的行为,但不幸的是,尽管横向关系被定在“重新安排”上,但可见的文件小组却并未延伸到主要窗口的边缘。 我将如何把这个奇迹(或最大)放在允许区域的边缘?

This is the xaml that I am using:

   <ad:DockingManager x:Name="dockManager" Grid.Row="1">
        <ad:ResizingPanel Name="resizePanel" Orientation="Horizontal">
            <ad:DocumentPane Name="visibleDocumentPane" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" >
                <ad:DocumentContent Title="A"/>
                <ad:DocumentContent Title="B"/>                    
            <ad:DocumentPane Name="collapsedDocumentPane" Visibility="Collapsed">
                <ad:DocumentContent Title="A"/>
                <ad:DocumentContent Title="B"/>

Thanks, Dave


    <Window x:Class="AvalonDockSampleProject.MainWindow"
      Title="MainWindow" Height="421" Width="948">
        <RowDefinition Height="24"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="24"/>
        <MenuItem Header="File">
            <MenuItem Header="Create DockableContent" Click="CreateDockableContent"/>
             <MenuItem Header="Layout">
                <MenuItem Header="Save" Click="SaveLayout"/>
                <MenuItem Header="Restore" Click="RestoreLayout"/>                    
            <MenuItem Header="Exit"/>
    <ad:DockingManager x:Name="dockManager" Grid.Row="1">
        <ad:ResizingPanel Name="resizePanel" Orientation="Horizontal">
            <ad:DocumentPane Name="visibleDocumentPane" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" >
                <ad:DocumentContent Title="A!"/>
                <ad:DocumentContent Title="B!"/>                    
            <ad:DocumentPane Name="collapsedDocumentPane" Visibility="Collapsed">
                <ad:DocumentContent Title="A"/>
                <ad:DocumentContent Title="B"/>
        <StatusBar Grid.Row="2">
            <StatusBarItem Content="AvalonDock 1.3 Sample Project"/>

您是正确的,在XAML中,似乎难以界定你的<代码>collapsedDocumentPane,作为AvalonDoc将空间保留给它(其制片头或任何东西)完全无视Visibility=“Collapsed”,因此,我最后在代码中添加/移除inhg 地雷。 因此:


<ad:DockingManager x:Name="dockManager" Grid.Row="1">
    <ad:ResizingPanel Name="resizePanel" Orientation="Horizontal">
        <ad:DocumentPane Name="visibleDocumentPane" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" >
            <ad:DocumentContent Title="A"/>
            <ad:DocumentContent Title="B"/>                    
        <!--<ad:DocumentPane Name="collapsedDocumentPane" Visibility="Collapsed">
            <ad:DocumentContent Title="A"/>
            <ad:DocumentContent Title="B"/>


private DockablePane _collapsedDocumentPane;

private DockablePane CollapsedDocumentPane
    if (_collapsedDocumentPane== null)
        _collapsedDocumentPane= new DockablePane();
        var a = new DockableContent
           Title = "A",
           DataContext = _youViewModel, //if you pass data context
           DockableStyle = DockableStyle.AutoHide,
           Content = new RadGridView(), //just a sample control
         var b = new DockableContent { Title = "B"};

     return _errorsDockablePane;


private void EvaluateCollapsedDocPaneVisibility()
   //don t know your scenario
   if (NeedToDisplay_CollapsedDocPane)
       if (!resizePanel.Children.Contains(CollapsedDocumentPane))
       if (resizePanel.Children.Contains(CollapsedDocumentPane))

Note, the property is lazy loaded - constructed only when needed. So now all you gotta do is call the method above whenever you need to add or remove. This is just a sample, you can add an arg to the method to tell it what to do, or whatever, hope this helps/gets you going.

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