请允许我首先指出,我不是C#开发商。 I m a C developer by trade and Options. 但是,我不得不使用视觉C#进行一米的计算。
我正在阅读加密安全假肢机和系统之间的差别。 Random. 每个人都似乎非常清楚的是,RNGCryptoserviceProvider的随机性要大得多,但也比较缓慢。
为了使我们的算法成为“完整”,我们必须确保每一节点都能像所有其他节点那样紧接。 为了使我们的算法成为“最佳”(或尽可能接近,因为我们用近似值重新计算),我们需要在25个第二(或任何其他任意)期限内尽量多地进行校正。
Given that we ll be using a single instance of Random, but that we ll be running a loop that will call Random.Next() 3 times in rapid succession, and which will repeat as many times as possible, will Random produce a reasonably uniform distribution? Or will we need to incur the extra cost of RNGCryptoServiceProvider to ensure we don t have any nodes that get skipped over completely?