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原标题:Sending class containing Collection through network stream

我想通过反对信标发送一个类别物体:(Packet is Serializable)

public class ServerPlayersListPacket extends Packet {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7141960214853425631L;

    private ArrayList<Player> players;

    public ServerPlayersListPacket(ArrayList<Player> players) {

    public ArrayList<Player> getPlayers() {
        return new ArrayList<Player>(Collections.synchronizedList(players));

    public void setPlayers(ArrayList<Player> players) {
        this.players = players;

但<代码>ArrayList仍有问题。 在从另一个网站(I)检索时,OptionalDataException

我发现这个问题与<代码>ArrayList同步。 但它如何发挥作用?


My trick is:

  1. send initial packet ServerPlayersListInitPacket
  2. send ServerNextPlayerPacket in loop with one Player per Packet

This solution also allows client site to update players list dynamically which is more smooth.

  1. ArrayList没有同步。 病媒。

  2. 若要把你纳入主流,就必须有序列可循,而不是同步。 通过“透明”转向不同领域,因此,你发现问题。

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