我所写的操纵操纵方法是一个问题。 这种方法的目的是在长处内寻求连接点,并改造其耳朵。
为了提供某种情况,我对裁谈会上的大量超文本文档进行了分类,并核对了在一个单独项目中网站的xml文档结果(我作为青少年参考书的一部分写道)。 html的档案载有教学文本,其中载有与裁谈会档案有关的链接,我需要将资料放在网站上。
如果只有一个链接标,但通过两套,那么以下法则似乎行得当,产出非常大。 奇怪的是,“视觉”演播室的编辑声称,这一链接是有联系的。 下面的Tag regex只是将链接标签相匹配,但在用正确的手法取代链接时,在指示中各点插入连接碎片。
甲型六氯环己烷增产的原因 Dir是,我最终将扩大这一方法,以纠正与不同开端人的联系。 我们谈论的是数千份html档案,但迄今为止这种格式最为常见。
Typical Input string
Hold 1st <strong><a href="../f/fist_hand.html">FIST</a></strong> hand, back outward
& fingers forward, and put 2nd <strong><a href="../f/fist_hand.html">FIST</a></strong> hand, back forward
& fingers inward, with lower knuckle of its 4th finger on
lower knuckle of 1st thumb; then slide 2nd hand forwards one
hand s length.
The Method
static string instructions(string instructions)
Regex Spaces = new Regex(@"s+|
Regex linkTag = new Regex(@"<a(.*?)>(.*?)</a>");
Regex linkTagHtml = new Regex(@"<a(.*?)>|</a>");
Regex hrefAttr = new Regex("href="(.)*?"");
Regex alphaDir = new Regex(@"/([a-z])?/");
string signName = string.Empty;
char alphaChar;
string replacementLinkTag = string.Empty;
string replacementHref = string.Empty;
instructions = Spaces.Replace(instructions, " ");
MatchCollection matches = linkTag.Matches(instructions);
foreach (Match link in matches)
Match alphaDirMatch = alphaDir.Match(link.Value.ToString());
if (alphaDirMatch.Success)
Match hrefAttrMatch = hrefAttr.Match(link.Value.ToString());
if (hrefAttrMatch.Success)
signName = linkTagHtml.Replace(link.Value.ToString(), string.Empty).ToLower().Trim();
signName = signName.Replace(" ", "_");
alphaChar = signName[0];
replacementHref = "href="/pages/displayc.aspx?c=dictionary&alpha=" + alphaChar.ToString() +"&sign=" + signName + """;
replacementLinkTag = hrefAttr.Replace(link.Value.ToString(), replacementHref);
instructions = instructions.Remove(link.Index, link.Length);
instructions = instructions.Insert(link.Index, replacementLinkTag);
return instructions;
Current output string
Hold 1st <strong><a href="/pages/displayc.aspx?c=dictionary&alpha=f&sign=fist">FIST</a></strong> hand, back outward & finge<a href="/pages/displayc.aspx?c=dictionary&alpha=f&sign=fist">FIST</a>f="../f/fist_hand.html">FIST</a></strong> hand, back forward & fingers inward, with lower knuckle of its 4th finger on lower knuckle of 1st thumb; then slide 2nd hand forwards one hand s length.
Desired output string
Hold 1st <strong><a href="/pages/displayc.aspx?c=dictionary&alpha=f&sign=fist">FIST</a></strong> hand, back outward & fingers forward, and put 2nd <strong><a href="/pages/displayc.aspx?c=dictionary&alpha=f&sign=fist">FIST</a></strong> hand, back forward & fingers inward, with lower knuckle of its 4th finger on lower knuckle of 1st thumb; then slide 2nd hand forwards one hand s length.
The solution - Thanks for the suggestion Oded!
static string instructions(string instructions)
char alphaChar;
Regex Spaces = new Regex(@"s+|
Regex alphaDir = new Regex(@"/([a-z])?/");
string signName = string.Empty;
string replacementHref = string.Empty;
instructions = Spaces.Replace(instructions, " ");
HtmlDocument instr = new HtmlDocument();
HtmlNodeCollection links = instr.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a");
if (links != null)
foreach (HtmlNode link in links)
string href = link.GetAttributeValue("href", string.Empty);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(href))
Match alphaDirMatch = alphaDir.Match(href);
if (alphaDirMatch.Success)
signName = Regex.Replace(href, "(.)*?/([a-z])?/|(.html)?", string.Empty);
signName = signName.Replace(" ", "_");
alphaChar = signName[0];
replacementHref = "/pages/displayc.aspx?c=dictionary&alpha=" + alphaChar.ToString() + "&sign=" + signName;
link.SetAttributeValue("href", replacementHref);
instructions = instr.DocumentNode.InnerHtml.ToString();
return instructions;