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原标题:Italic greek letters / latex-style math in plot titles

我愿在R. The

例如,我要印刷一下数学休眠=数学休眠=数学-数学-参数。 在地物名称中,数学温度为0.13美元,并且仍在评估某些变量的价值。 我的最好解决办法是:

lambda <- 4

mtext(bquote(paste(d*bolditalic(x)[italic(t)] == alpha*(theta - bolditalic(x)[italic(t)] )*d*italic(t) +  .(lambda) * d * italic(B)[italic(t)] )), line=2.25,cex=2) 

qplot(1:10, 1:10) + opts(title=bquote(paste(d*bolditalic(x)[italic(t)] == alpha*(theta - bolditalic(x)[italic(t)] )*d*italic(t) +  .(lambda) * d * italic(B)[italic(t)] )), line=2.25,cex=2)

This question almost solves this, but I loose the ability of bquote to display the numerical value of a variable (lambda in my example). Is there a way to combine these so I can have italic greek letters (the standard f或mat f或 variables, e.g. as done by tex) and evaluate at specific values?

Is there a much better way where I can simple write tex-syntax f或 equations and add them to my graphs?


您不妨查看tikzDevice。 http://cran.r-project.org/web/ Packages/tikzDevice/vignettes/tikzDevice.pdf“rel=“noreferer”>its vignette first),其中提供了在R制图中书写LaTeX数学的自然途径。

我还有。 见


tikz( math.tex , standAlone = TRUE, width = 4, height = 4)
qplot(1:10, 1:10, 
  main =  $\mathrm{d} \mathbf{x} = a [\theta - \mathbf{x}] \mathrm{d} t$ )




你们应该ed问你们的问题,而不是分议(我看一下我可以做些什么)。 我有时认为,b 只字面如此深,你需要使用<条码> 替代。 这项工作:

 lambda <- 4

mtext(substitute(paste(d*bolditalic(x)[italic(t)] == 
                       alpha*group("[", (theta - bolditalic(x)[italic(t)] )*d*italic(t) + 
                        lambda, "]") * d * italic(B)[italic(t)] ), list(lambda=lambda)), 


 qplot(1:10, 1:10) + opts(title=substitute(paste(d*bolditalic(x)[italic(t)] == 
                        alpha*(theta - bolditalic(x)[italic(t)] )*d*italic(t) + 
                         lambda * d * italic(B)[italic(t)] ), list(lambda=lambda)), 




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%27Alembert_operator” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>。 并且未能找到这一点。

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