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File open error by using codec utf-8 in python

I execute following code on windows xp and python 2.6.4

But it show IOError.

How to open file whose name has utf-8 codec.

>>> open( unicode( 한글.txt ,  euc-kr ).encode( utf-8 ) )

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    open( unicode( 한글.txt ,  euc-kr ).encode( utf-8 ) )
IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ( r ) or filename:  xedx95x9cxeaxb8x80.txt 

But the following code to the normal operation.

>>> open( unicode( 한글.txt ,  euc-kr ) )
<open file u ud55cuae00.txt , mode  r  at 0x01DD63E0>

The C runtime interface that Windows exposes to Python uses the system code page to encode filenames. Unlike on OS X and modern Linux versions, on Windows the system code page is never UTF-8. So the UTF-8 byte string won t be any good.

You could encode the filename to the current code page using .encode( mbcs ), which in your case is probably equivalent to .encode( cp949 ). To make it compatible with other platforms where filenames are UTF-8, you could look up sys.getfilesystemencoding, which will give you utf-8 there or mbcs on Windows.

However whilst cp949 would work for Korean characters, it would break on anything outside the repertoire of that code page (an extended version of EUC-KR).

So another approach is to keep your filenames as Unicode. On Windows this will use the Unicode-native interfaces to pass filenames to Windows in the UTF-16LE encoding it uses internally. (See PEP277 for more on this feature.)

This does generally still work on other platforms too: Linux and OS X should silently encode the Unicode filenames to UTF-8 for you. This may fail more in older Python versions, but it s the default way to handle filenames in Python 3 (where the default string type has changed to Unicode).

The traps to watch out for with using Unicode filenames on Python 2 are:

  • if os.path.supports_unicode_filenames is False, as it will be outside Windows, the functions that return filenames, such as os.listdir, will always give you byte strings. You d have to detect that and decode them using sys.getfilesystemencoding.

  • if you have a file on Linux/OS X with a name that s not a valid UTF-8 string, you won t be able to get a Unicode filename for it (UnicodeDecodeError if you try). Bit of a corner case, but it can lead to annoying inaccessible files.


open(unicode( 한글.txt ,  euc-kr ))

Probably you would want to say cp949 there (as the Windows Korean code page has minor differences to EUC-KR). Or, more generally, mbcs , which gives you the system code page which is presumably going to be the same one your console is typing. Anyway, I don t know about PyShell, but normally if the above works then you should just be able to type it directly:

open(u 한글 )


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