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为什么在设置PatTH LD_LIBRaire_PATH时,该字背着错误。
原标题:Why is this tcsh shell script giving the error while setting PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH



setenv PATH  ""
setenv PATH  .:$HOME/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH .:/usr/local/cuda/lib:/usr/local/cuda/lib64/:/usr/local/cuda:/usr/lib:/usr/lib32:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/lib/:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}


./script.sh, it gives following errors:


文字:4: set:没有

文字: 6: 定:无

文字: 7:固定不变

Any pointers, how to set these paths in my shell script?



<>UPDATE>: 关于我最好的猜测,见最后两段。




#!/bin/tcsh -f


#!/bin/csh -f

The features that tcsh adds 纽约总部 the original csh are mostly useful for interactive use rather than scripting.)

The -f option tells tcsh not 纽约总部 process your .login and .cshrc or .tcshrc files when it starts up. Generally you don t want a script 纽约总部 do this; it makes the script s behavior dependent on your own environment setup. Perhaps you have something in your .login that does something odd with setenv, though I can t think of what it might be. Try adding the -f and see if that helps. Even if it doesn t, you should do that anyway.

(-f for /bin/sh or /bin/bashscripts; 这意味着其他东西,也是需要的。)


Setting $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH 纽约总部 the empty string is useless. Just delete those two lines.


On re-reading your question, I see what you re doing there. You set $PATH 纽约总部 the empty string, and then prepend more text 纽约总部 it:

setenv PATH ""
setenv PATH this:that:$PATH

That makes more sense than I thought it did, but it s still simpler 纽约总部 write one command:

setenv PATH this:that

Putting . in your $PATH, especially at the beginning, is a bad idea. Think about what happens if your run the script in a direc纽约总部ry where someone has deposited a command name ls that does something nasty. If you want 纽约总部 execute a command in the current direc纽约总部ry, use ./command. (Putting . at the end of $PATH is safer, but still not a very good idea.)

(And using tcsh or csh as a scripting language (as opposed 纽约总部 an interactive shell) is widely considered 纽约总部 be a bad idea as well. This article, even if it doesn t persuade you 纽约总部 give up on tcsh scripting, will at least make you aware of the pitfalls.)

Oh,如果是用纸面书写,那么你为什么把它称作script.sh? 文档名称上的标记是“不相像的Windows”系统所要求的,但通常需要<代码>。 电话:script.tcsh,或script.csh ,或仅script/code>。



On my system, when I change setenv 纽约总部 Setenv (a nonexistent command), running the script with tcsh gives me:

Setenv: Command not found.
Setenv: Command not found.
Setenv: Command not found.
Setenv: Command not found.

这与你向我们发出的错误信息相吻合。 当我称之为<代码>/bin/sh foo.tcsh时。 (仅凭<代码>setenv的指挥),我收到:

foo.tcsh: 3: setenv: not found
foo.tcsh: 4: setenv: not found
foo.tcsh: 6: setenv: not found
foo.tcsh: 7: setenv: not found


您说,<代码>/bin/tcsh -version提供了正确结果,从而避免了问题。 有些文字是通过<代码>/bin/sh而不是通过斜体执行。

Here s my best guess about what s going on. You re running on Cygwin, or maybe MSYS, but you re invoking your script from a cmd shell, not from a Cygwin shell. Your Windows system has been configured 纽约总部 recognize a .sh suffix 纽约总部 indicate that the file is a script 纽约总部 be executed by C:cygwininsh.exe (as I mentioned before, file suffixes don t usually matter on Unix, or in the Cygwin environment, but they do on Windows).

The simplest solution would probably be 纽约总部 rewrite the script 纽约总部 conform 纽约总部 Bourne shell syntax. But there should be ways 纽约总部 cause Windows 纽约总部 invoke Cygwin s tcsh 纽约总部 execute it. If I ve guess right, let us know and we can probably come up with a solution.


我看不出你的说法有任何错误。 它在我的箱子上课以罚款。


I can reproduce the error if I add a line feed before #!/bin/tcsh. When the shebang is not the first chars in the file, the interpreter directive does not take effect and your current shell is used (I m guessing your sheel is not c-shell variant (csh or tcsh)?).



echo "$shell"  ## prints shell name if tcsh or csh
echo "$BASH"   ## prints /bin/bash if bash


[me@home]$ bash x.sh  # run using bash


[me@home]$ tcsh x.sh # run using tcsh
BASH: Undefined variable.

仅仅打上了这一问题,它被证明是因为有Windows EOLs的文字档案。 一旦清理,所有工作都是好的。

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