Anyway, the reason pad
or proc
might cause problems is because you don t explicitly tell the server that these are strings. For reasons I ve never truly understood, TSQL will allow you to pass single-word strings to (n)varchar parameters of procedures. A simple example would be :
EXEC sp_helpdb master
严格地说,这应当造成一yn误。 正确的辛迪加是:
EXEC sp_helpdb master
但是,发展中国家似乎对它的影响较小,这对生产力来说是巨大的! 因此,查询工作。
EXEC p_find_recipe thai
这将穿透str,一切照旧。 然而,在使用诸如<代码>proc或>等保留词时,如<>file
All that said :
- the syntax error should be returned right away, it shouldn t take 10 seconds
- AFAIK pad is not a reseverd keyword
不管怎么说,你或许需要就你重新使用什么语言、你对准定点的含义提供一些额外的投入(也许指的是<代码>SlectT* ∗摘自WHERE外地=: syntax? s 之后填满吗?