I have list of integers, I need to find the longest subset of ascending integers from the list.
For example: [1,2,5,3,6,7,4]
- longest subset would have been SS = [1,2,3,6,7]
I have list of integers, I need to find the longest subset of ascending integers from the list.
For example: [1,2,5,3,6,7,4]
- longest subset would have been SS = [1,2,3,6,7]
longestSubseq( List, Ans ) :-
longestSubseq( List, [], [], Ans ).
longestSubseq( [], Buffer, [], Buffer ) :- !.
longestSubseq( [], _, AnsRevert, Ans ) :-
reverse( AnsRevert, Ans ).
longestSubseq( [H | Tail], [], Longest, Ans ) :-
longestSubseq( Tail, [H], Longest, Ans ).
longestSubseq( [H | Tail], [BufHead | BufTail], Longest, Ans ) :-
BufHead =< H,
longestSubseq( Tail, [H, BufHead | BufTail], Longest, Ans ).
longestSubseq( [H | Tail], Buffer, Longest, Ans ) :-
[BufHead | _ ] = Buffer,
BufHead > H,
length( Longest, LongestLength ),
length( Buffer, BufferLength ),
( BufferLength > LongestLength, NewLongest = Buffer )
( BufferLength =< LongestLength, NewLongest = Longest )
longestSubseq( Tail, [H], NewLongest, Ans ).
我们现在有2个基点:longest Subseq/2
和longest Subseq/4
?- longestSubseq( [2], X ).
X = [2] ;
?- longestSubseq( [2,1,2,3,2], X ).
X = [1, 2, 3] ;
收回最后一项内容,检查命令。 element element element passed ;
3. 最佳搜索方法:
% not very tested!
longest(L, S) :-
length(L, Len),
advance(L, Len, [], [], S).
cmp_start([], _).
cmp_start([H|_], E) :- H =< E.
add_to_bag([], P, [P]).
add_to_bag([H|T], P, Bag) :-
P = LenP-_,
H = LenH-_,
( LenH > LenP
-> Bag = [H|Bag1],
add_to_bag(T, P, Bag1)
; Bag = [P, H| T] ).
advance([Len-Start/Tail|Bag], Solution) :-
advance(Tail, Len, Start, Bag, Solution).
advance([], _, Start, _, Solution) :-
reverse(Start, Solution).
advance([H|Tail], Len, Start, Bag, Solution) :-
Len1 is Len - 1,
add_to_bag(Bag, Len1-Start/Tail, Bag1),
( cmp_start(Start, H)
-> advance(Tail, Len, [H|Start], Bag1, Solution)
; advance(Bag1, Solution) ).
部分解决办法作为<代码>。 MaximunLength-StartList/ListOfItems ToBeConsidered 。
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