Consider this scenario: Several developers are working in the REL branch (fixing shipping issues). As they work their changes are checked into the REL branch tested and subsiquently merged back into the MAIN branch.
Given that there may be a delay between the DEV commit and the subsiquent merge we are finding people "forgetting" some changesets.
What I would like to do is create a work item query or Excel report that can reproduce the dialogs query results so we can add this to the projects SharePoint portal.
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 具体来说:鉴于目前的用户,而且源头和具体目标的分支名称,我可以使用WIQL或Excel文件检索目前未并入目标部门的变化表。
谁能告诉这是否可行? 更确切地说,我怎么做!