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GWT 形式投入领域没有价值
原标题:GWT Form input field does not have value
  • 时间:2011-11-19 17:56:17
  •  标签:
  • forms
  • gwt

I ve got a weird problem with GWT and HTML forms.
I ve made a simple FormPanel with 3 basic elements in it: FileUpload for image uploading, TextBox for the name of the image and Button for submit. Everything works (I can save the image server-side at least) except that whatever I type in the input field, it does not have a value, i.e. in Chrome s Inspect Element I clearly see that it has no value="..." field.

Why is this happening and how do I fix it? I can t save the name if it doesn t have any.

private final FlowPanel imagePanel = new FlowPanel();
private final FormPanel form = new FormPanel();
private final FileUpload fileUpload = new FileUpload();
private final Button submitButton = new Button("Upload");
private final TextBox fileName = new TextBox();
private final HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();
private final VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel();

public void onModuleLoad()


    fileUpload.setName("upload"); // image identifier, used in upload handler

    fileName.setValue("Enter file name");


这是除活动处理者外的所有布局。 提交文件时发生的所有情况都是对文件上载价值进行检查,以便允许文件延期。


同样,我问题的根源是,我很快称之为形式。 请注意,投入领域将是形式的目标,提交书和形式。 因此,还将把文本Box作为表格寄出,如果你要求重整,就会漏掉。

。 规定<代码> 价值/代码>的财产(在控制中以图表或互用)不改变要素的属性。

If you want to see the element s current value in Chrome s Developer Tools, select it in the "Elements" pane (it s already selected if you use the "Inspect element" context menu item) and type $0.value in the JavaScript console.

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