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Xaml Servicess。 储蓄基金正在产生一种X:Name=“_ReferenceID0”特性,而当时有RuntimeNameProperty。
原标题:XamlServices.Save is generating an x:Name="__ReferenceID0" attribute while there is the RuntimeNameProperty

I m having troubles with XamlServices Serialization/Deserialisation. I have this class :

public class Node
    public Node()


    public string   Name    { get; set; }
    public int      Valeur  { get; set; }

    public Node Parent

    public bool HasChildren
        get { return mChildren.Count > 0; }

    public NodeList Children
        get { return mChildren; }
        set { mChildren = value; }

    NodeList mChildren = new NodeList();


public class NodeList : IList<Node>
    // ... implemented using a List<Node> internally

If I create a node hierarchy, like this :

Node root = new Node() { Name = "A", Valeur = 2, Parent = null };
root.Children.Add( new Node() { Name = "A1", Valeur = 3, Parent = root } );
root.Children.Add( new Node() { Name = "A2", Valeur = 3, Parent = root } );
root.Children[0].Children.Add( new Node() { Name = "A21", Valeur = 5, Parent = root.Children[0] } );


using( TextWriter writer = File.CreateText( "test.xaml" ) )
    XamlServices.Save( writer, root );

由此而产生的xaml :

<Node Parent="{x:Null}" x:Name="__ReferenceID1" Name="A" Valeur="2"
    <Node Parent="{x:Reference A}" x:Name="__ReferenceID0" Name="A1" Valeur="3">
        <Node Parent="{x:Reference A1}" Name="A21" Valeur="5">
            <NodeList />
    <Node Parent="{x:Reference A}" Name="A2" Valeur="3">
        <NodeList />

如你所知,Xaml Services公司正在产生“_ReferenceID0”特性,因为有RuntimeNameProperty称号。 显然,它之所以这样做,是因为X:Reference(由于父母关系),但最棘手的是,它甚至不使用产生的x:Name! 当然,当我试图将其erial弄时,它就变得最糟:

using( TextReader reader = File.OpenText( "test.xaml" ) )
    Node node = XamlServices.Load( reader ) as Node;




There are only two solutions, either you have to change Name property to something else like XName or anything that is not "Name".


public Node Parent


理由XAML确实是将相互连接的物体图表编成序号,而不是仅仅一个树。 它使用名称来独一无二地识别节点,然而,正是这些节点的内部逻辑,现在允许你在试图解决参考名称时使用财产名称。

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