English 中文(简体)
原标题:Queries on case when statement



 SELECT  20-OCT-2010 ,
        1234 ,
         WHEN Extract(DAY FROM( endtime - starttime )) >= 1 THEN (
         Extract(DAY FROM(
                         endtime - starttime ))
         * 24 + Extract
         (HOUR FROM(
       endtime - starttime
       )) )
         WHEN starttime IS NULL
              AND endtime IS NULL THEN 0
         ELSE ( Extract(HOUR FROM( endtime - starttime )) )
       || CASE
            WHEN endtime IS NULL
                 AND starttime IS NULL THEN 0
            ELSE Extract(MINUTE FROM ( endtime - starttime )) / 60
          END AS hours
FROM   testtime 


Test_Date         TestNo           Hours
20-OCT-2010        1234            140


Test_Date         TestNo           Hours
20-OCT-2010        1234            14

My data type for hours is number (4,2) My error is due to that if the starttime and endtime for minute is null, it will auto add an 0 behind it. Even i change the 0 to null, it will still add 0 behind.


增 编


不要压缩小时数和小时数,而是逐个逐个计算,你应当增加。 例如,3个小时和0分钟为3 + 0 = 3/code>个小时,而不是3 <> ><0> = 30/code>小时。




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