让我说,你们有一位朋友,他们知道如何打假。 页: 1 这就是说。 朋友们知道什么是幼女,但需要利用网络应用程序与我和其他朋友分享电影/音乐。
Now you want to make a package containing your scripts which will listen on :8080 and serve the nice web application, using cherrypy for threading in case 10 or more friends access the music/blog/whatever at the same time. And the app is so simple it can be made in flask. The database is a simple sqlite3 file, nothing fancy.
Can this be done in python? Without invoking apache/nginx or configuration files or requiring the user of the web app (owner of web app, and user of it, not just oh put it on a web host somewhere for "production" use, this is not a webapp for "production", its for use by many on their own computers) to be a programmer or deployment officer.
我去了cher,只开了一枚 run子,发射多读的cher器,静态文档。 但随后,我遇到了伐木问题,从有关木材的几处手,也从研究家拥有伐木机制,主要是文件站。
So now, im doing it with gunicorn. A web app and a runit.py which serves it with gunicorn and gevent. Thats fine...