English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why aren t the decimals printed to the string?


   [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f",[[self CurrentValue] doubleValue]]]

页 次

   [self CurrentValue] stringValue]

and 页 次:

    NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
    formatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle;
    NSString *string = [formatter stringFromNumber:[self CurrentValue]];
    [formatter release];

但它没有工作。 THe原为浮体=22,我总是得到“22”而不是“22.00”。

增 编


我有几种试验情景,希望这能够帮助你摆脱危机。 如果你使用一种货币,则模式是理想的。 从这个例子出发,你可以设立编号——NSNumber* number = [自现在起Value];

NSNumber * number = [NSNumber numberWithInt:22];
NSString * string1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f",[number doubleValue]];
NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
formatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle;
NSString *string2 = [formatter stringFromNumber:number];
[formatter release];

NSLog(@"string 1 %@
string 2 %@
string 3 %@", string1, string2, [number stringValue]);

string 1 22.00
string 2 $22.00
string 3 22

// top code with NSNumber * number = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:22];
string 1 22.00
string 2 $22.00
string 3 22

// top code with NSNumber * number = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:22.0];
string 1 22.00
string 2 $22.00
string 3 22

Summary: The way the number is created is not significant here to the output if it is truly an int (floats with such as 4.20 will work as expected in every case, but every int value 22,22.0,22.000 gets treated the same by all 3 ways of creating a number. So choose the format you like best and implement that.


页: 1 你可以尝试

[NSString stringWithF或mat:@"%.2f”,[[自现在起Value]potValue]

[NSString stringWithF或mat:@"%.2lf",[[self CurrentValue] doubleValue]] both are good to go.

It actually much simpler. You said that "The original number is a float = 22". Now, remember that obj-c runtime class may differ from declared one. And when you instantiate your float variable with actually integer value - it is an integer one at runtime! You should change it to one of the following:
float someFloatValue = 22f;
float someFloatValue = 22.0;
float someFloatValue = (float)22; (not sure about that one thought)

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