English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to find when specific line was introduced?
  • 时间:2011-11-21 14:54:54
  •  标签:
  • perforce

在我的编码数据库中,我看上线和带;123>在具体档案中;我看一看何时采用。 我可以作第4号说明,以找到最后一次修改意见,但我确信,有办法回头介绍。 I m使用2009.2;如果是的话,则不是最新情况......



p4 annotage | grep

p4 annotage myFile#rev-1 furep

p4 annotage myFile#rev-1 furep


If you have p4v installed, you should use the time-lapse view. That will give you an accounting of all lines in the file, who introduced or changed those change, what changelist, etc. Timelaspse is an awesome tool and will give you what you need without needing to resort to grepping through old versions.



file = "/path/to/your/file"
period = "#8,10" # could be @2012/10/01,@now
$all_authors = []

def find_changed_lines file, period
    puts "File: #{file}#{period}"
    ls = `p4 annotate -a #{file}#{period}`.split"

    a = []; b = []; prevrev = ""; linen = 0; authors = []

    # find [first, last] aka [min, max] file revisions for given period
    ls.each{ |l| l[ /^([0-9]+)-([ 0-9]+):/ ]; a<<$1.to_i if $1; b<<$2.to_i if $2; }
    first = a.min.to_s; last = b.max.to_s

    # find changed lines
    ls.each{ |l|
        l[ /^([0-9]+)-([ 0-9]+):/ ]
        # find line number
        linen +=1 if $2==last
        # reject lines if #not changed line or #itermediate change
        unless ($1==first and $2==last) or ($1!=first and $2!=last)
            # find rev#
            rev = $2==last ? $1 : ($2.to_i+1).to_s
            # print cl desc info based on rev# unless printed for prev line
            if prevrev != rev
                cldesc =  `p4 filelog -m 1 #{file}##{rev} | head -2 | tail -1`
                puts cldesc
                # collect change author
                authors << cldesc[/by (.*)@/, 1]
                prevrev = rev
            # print changed line with line number
            puts l.sub(/^.*:/, "#{linen}:" )
    puts "Change authors: #{authors.uniq!.join( ,  )}"
    $all_authors += authors

find_changed_lines file, period

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