English 中文(简体)
原标题:Mapping more than two tables using the Entity Framework


我在以前建立的数据库中有三个表格。 https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ka47J.png“alt=“EDMX”/。



ID  CompanyID Date                      Heading Text   .....
2   9         2011-11-21 10:17:29.573   Lorem   Ipsum   1   1   1

CompanyNoticeLocationsID CompanyNoticeID LocationID
1                        2               4
2                        2               5
3                        2               1

Main question: Can anyone please tell me if I can use the EF to create an Entity called: CompanyNoticesWithLocations that just returns:

  • Heading
  • Text
  • List of LocationNames

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我已尝试与LINQ一道这样做,而没有向实体制图提供多张表格,我无法做到:

using (var context = new ALEntities())
                    var query = from c in context.CompanyNotices.Include("Locations")
                                select new 
                                    (from l in c.CompanyNoticesLocations select l.Location.LocationName)
                    ASPxGridView1.DataSource = query;



Invalid anonymous type member declarator. Anonymous type members must be declared with a member assignment, simple name or member access.


Your CompanyNoticesLocation table doesn t need to exist as a separate entity in the model. This should be represented as a many to many Association between CompanyNotice and Location. As long as the Association is setup correctly EF will map this to your underlying join table which you ll be able to see in the Mapping window.


enter image description here


this works for me

var query = from c in context.CompanyNotices.Include("Locations") 
                                select new  
                                    locations = (from l in c.CompanyNoticesLocations select l.Location.LocationName) 


Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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