我与“Word Add-In”一样,在一个非常有益的发展箱子上——尽管我正在从事所有工作,但国际律师联合会还是会lock。
我尝试了一次实验——在新通道上播下温器(即,我方保UI的透镜与Word工人的read一样)——并发挥了作用。 我的《倡议》不再断断续续续续。
小心谨慎,在您的近距离之前清除任何商用物体,尤其谨慎地接触(可能使用派遣国)。 回到办公室,在接触任何区域妇女委员会时,就座。 纽约总部 派遣国与它们重新铺设的路面有关,因此,你只得在办公室接收一个发送机,提供回响等。
Note: If you Dispatcher.Invoke back to the calling thread, you can t use Thread.Join as shown below. (In that case, you would need to handle application events, Thread.Sleep, and Thread.Yield) in a busy loop. Otherwise, you ll get a deadlock.
// This approach makes WPF Windows an order of magnitude more responsive
Thread t = new Thread(() =>
// Implement the IDisposable pattern on your window to release
// any resources before the thread exits
using (var myWindow = new MyWindow())
// Do any other pre-display initialization with the myWindow
// object here...
// Strongly Recommended (not doing this may cause
// weird exceptions at application shutdown):
t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); // Required
t.IsBackground = false; // Recommended
t.Start(); // Kicks off the new UI thread
t.Join(); // Blocks execution until the new UI thread has finished executing...