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原标题:jQuery inserting a page into div breaks javascript

我的指数.php有一条叫.的ja子,加插头。 php 载于我的编号。 罚款。 问题就是说话。 php有几处 j(更多的 j),而 Chrome则执行手法罚款,即:

如果我把 j瓦片作为卷宗(set塞),则火包正在检查。 js_=1322020697832

如果我把java文直接列入张贴站。 php完全无视javascript(甚至在源代码中显示)



<script type="text/javascript" src="fetchposts.js"></script>
<div id="content"></div>


$(document).ready(function() {
    url:  getposts.php ,
    type:  POST ,
    success: function (fetched) {
        $( #content ).load( getposts.php );

登出哨所.php(这使火力上升。 js_=1322020697832

<script type="text/javascript" src="setchecked.js"></script>

或获得职位。 php(垃圾箱完全没有来源代码)

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// set $checked values
    url:  query.php ,
    type:  POST ,
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    async: true,
    cache: false,
    success: function (msg) {
        ------ do some fun stuff that works --------
         --------------- some php and html that DOES display -------------

我的问题再次暴露了我的 j言的内容,而是如何在“大陆”内找到 j。 Chrome的确在没有问题的情况下执行该守则。 出于某种原因,它是燃烧。 消防局没有发现错误,除了寻找错误档案或完全无视错误档案。

其余获得者.php(html和php代码) DOES显示在我的Nocontent和José和Grea。


I know that the scripts are working, but I think that they need some refactoring. From the code I see that you are

  1. Loading content from getposts.php into the #content
  2. Once loaded, you want to get some JSON
  3. When JSON is loaded, you want to some fun stuff with it


  • Not making so many ajax calls
  • Using specialized, ajax methods specifically for each task
  • Putting them within a single file


$(document).ready(function() {
    var someFunStuff = function(msg) {
        // do some fun stuff that works 

    var setChecked = function() {
        $.getJSON( query.php , someFunStuff);

    $( #content ).load( getposts.php , setChecked);



我看到你对使用单一javascript文档所作的评论。 你们需要从单独的数据库获得什么?



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