English 中文(简体)
原标题:Tying an object to a block


Someobject *Object = [[Someobject alloc] init];

void (^Block)() = ^()


The block is copied in DoSomethingWith and stored somewhere. it might either not be called, called once or called multiple times. I want to tie Object with the block so whenever the block or any of its copies is released, Object is released, and whenever the block or any of its copies is retained or copied, Object will be retained.
Is there a way to do so?



工厂保留未经其本人申报和参考的物体,并在释放后释放。 因此,将在<条码>上填写的栏目。 假设该拷贝最终会释放,那就没有泄漏。 冷却率很高。

(Exception: if Object were declared __block Someobject *Object, along with the expected effect (removing the const of the block s private reference, allowing the block to assign to Object), this autoretain behavior is also turned off. In that case retain/release is your responsibility again.)



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