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原标题:Printing with Gtk.Printing/cairo/pango in gtk2hs - Print-operations in Haskell



op <- printOperationNew
on op printOptBeginPrint $ context ->   do
                                 set op [ printOperationNPages := 1]
                return ()

on op printOptDrawPage $ context pages -     do
                     let text = "Hello World"
                     putStrLn $ "Printing :" ++ text

                     cairoContext<- printContextGetCairoContext context

                     layout<- printContextCreatePangoLayout context

                     layoutSetText layout text

                     let _ = do
                     --inside the Render Monad
                                 showLayout layout
                                 return ()
                     return ()

result <- printOperationRun op PrintOperationActionPrintDialog window

This prints an empty page since I set the printOperationNPages to 1. The problem is that cairo does not draw anything. I suppose I have to connect the cairoContext with the pango layout, the proper call to showLayout would actually be pango_cairo_show_layout (cr, layout);.


因此,如果有人有这方面的经验,请让我知道。 我也要感谢其他更好的依赖平台的解决办法,即印刷纸面文件/文字。

Link to conversation: [1] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=27662267

GTK(2hs) in Hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/gtk-0.12.0


Have you tried to use GtkPrintUnixDialog instead?
Much simpler to use. Basically you create the GtkPrintUnixDialog, Create a GtkPrintJob. Set the print to to source file (text,pdf you name it) and then print it out. You can also not show the dialog so that it uses the default print settings on the system.

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