这些术语通常称为code nuggets,但微软文件中并不存在这一术语。 微软电话inline expression as in Introduction to ASP。 NET inline expression in the .NET Framework. 他们提供协会。 NET 关于如何在这些符号内处理声明的框架指示(<%>); 在我知道自己的名字之前,如果是的话,在社区内就更不用说。 不能确定详尽无遗的清单,但比你具体指明的多。 以下是其他代码清单及其用途和样本。
--Standard code nugget--Indicates that the following statements are C# statements. Will have to follow C# syntax rules. eg.
<% string[] cities = { ""London"", ""New York"", ""Paris"" };
string myCity = cities[new Random().Next(cities.Length)];
--Content code nugget--Similar to standard cn, difference being the returned result is directly inserted into response to the browser without having to use Response.Write
. eg.
(NOT RecommendationsED, includes risk of html injection attacks. 如果对文本箱的投入如“<但顿型 = 提交和gt; Submit</button >
,则将添加一个顿页。 当然,这一点是肯定的,但希望这一点是明确的。
--Encoded code nugget --Similar to <%=, but the response is HTML encoded. eg.
Name is <%:textBox.Text%>
(whatever the input is on the text box, it is displayed. If the input is something like "< button type = submit > Submit</button >
", output would be "Name is <button type = submit> Submit</button>
<编码> <%# - 具有法律约束力的法规 - 表示采用数据约束代码Nugget,用以指当前数据标。 只有采用数据组合控制,如重复控制等。
<编码> <%#:- 编码数据具有约束性-表示在编码数据限值时采用编码数据约束代码表示。 例如。
<asp:Repeater ItemType = ""System.String"" SelectMethod = ""GetCities"" runat = ""server">
<li > <%# Item % > </li>
<代码><%——Property Code nugget-Used to refer to composition Value, such as those specified in Web.config.
<asp:Literal Text = " < %$ AppSettings: cityMessage % > " runat = "server" />
<编码> <%@ - 工资指令-这一指示用于根据指令类型对网上表格(或控制或主页)进行配置。 例如。
<%@ Page.. <%@ Master
上述所有资料和实例都来自Adam Freemans Pro ASP .NET 4.5书,第12章。 Excellent book imo.