How can I connect a button which remains constant with a DOM s value in order to capture a user s selection?
I m creating a taste questionnaire which asks users to select the style they prefer from amongst a series of pairs, and the specific pairings shown will change based upon the items previously selected. I d like the Select buttons under each set to remain constant so that the entire page doesn t need to be refreshed for each image.
<tr><td id="question" colspan=5 > Question 1</td></tr>
<tr><td >
<img src="files/z1.png" name="taste" value="trendy[1]" />
</td> <td >
<img src="files/z2.png" name="taste1" value="classic[1]"/>
</td> </tr>
<tr><td >
<img alt"Select" src="files/Select.jpg" onclick="javascript:manipulateDOM()">
</td><td >
<img alt"Select" src="files/Select.jpg" onclick="javascript:manipulateDOM1()">
</td></tr></table> Java 依据用户投入确定哪些图像
var NumberOfImages = 7 - 1; //-1 because array members starts from 0
var trendy = new Array(NumberOfImages);
trendy[0] = "files/z1.png";
trendy[1] = "files/z1.png";
trendy[2] = "files/z14.png";
trendy[3] = "files/z4.png";
trendy[4] = "files/z5.png";
trendy[5] = "files/z6.png";
trendy[6] = "files/z9.png";
var imgNumber = 1; //array key of current image
var NumberOfImages = 7 - 1; //-1 because array members starts from 0
var classic = new Array(NumberOfImages);
classic[0] = "files/z2.png";
classic[1] = "files/z2.png";
classic[2] = "files/z12.png";
classic[3] = "files/z3.png";
classic[4] = "files/z3.png";
classic[5] = "files/z7.png";
classic[6] = "files/z8.png";
var classicNumber = 1; //array key of current image
var text = 6 - 1; //-1 because array members starts from 0
var text = new Array;
text[0] = "Question 1"
text[1] = "Question 2"
text[2] = "Question 3"
text[3] = "Question 4"
text[4] = "Question 5"
text[5] = "Question 6"
text[6] = "Question 7"
var textNumber = 1; //array key of current image
function manipulateDOM() {
function changeObjects() {
document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = text[textNumber];
function NextImage() {
if (imgNumber < NumberOfImages) //Stop moving forward when we are out of images
trendy[0] = trendy[1]; trendy[1] = trendy[2]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[3] = trendy[4]; trendy[4] = trendy[5]; trendy[5] = trendy[6];
document.images["taste"].src = trendy[imgNumber];
classic[0] = classic[1]; classic[1] = classic[2]; classic[2] = classic[3]; classic[3] = classic[4]; classic[4] = classic[5]; classic[5] = classic[6];
document.images["taste1"].src = classic[imgNumber];
text[0] = text[1]; text[1] = text[2]; text[2] = text[3]; text[3] = text[4]; text[4] = text[5]; text[5] = text[6];
document.getElementById["question"].innerHTML = text[textNumber];
function manipulateDOM1() {
function NextImage1() {
if (imgNumber < NumberOfImages) //Stop moving forward when we are out of images
trendy[0] = trendy[1]; trendy[1] = trendy[2]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[2] = trendy[3]; trendy[3] = trendy[4]; trendy[4] = trendy[5]; trendy[5] = trendy[6];
document.images["taste"].src = trendy[imgNumber];
classic[0] = classic[1]; classic[1] = classic[2]; classic[2] = classic[3]; classic[3] = classic[4]; classic[4] = classic[5]; classic[5] = classic[6];
document.images["taste1"].src = classic[imgNumber];
text[0] = text[1]; text[1] = text[2]; text[2] = text[3]; text[3] = text[4]; text[4] = text[5]; text[5] = text[6];
document.getElementById["question"].innerHTML = text[textNumber];