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原标题:Convert Hex to Binary in C [duplicate]
  • 时间:2011-11-20 22:31:21
  •  标签:
  • c
  • binary
  • hex
This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
Convert a long hex string in to int array with sscanf

我以前曾看到过这方面的一些议题,但大多数解决办法都是在沙尔(因为你很容易!) 。

在C这样做是否容易? 这是我的解决办法。 我知道这在概念上并不复杂,但我对C扼杀操纵和处理问题感到可怕。


页: 1

奥凯,因此我解决了这一问题,我还有另一个问题(我不想开新的路!) 。 以下是我对特定法典的修改,职能要求和产出。

void htoi(const char *ptr, char *binAddr) {
char value[32] = "";
char ch = *ptr;
int i;
const char* quads[] = {"0000", "0001", "0010", "0011", "0100", "0101",
                     "0110", "0111", "1000", "1001", "1010", "1011",
                     "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111"};

while (ch ==     || ch ==  	 )
    ch = *(++ptr);

for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    if (ch >=  0  && ch <=  9 )
        strncat(value, quads[ch -  0 ], 4);
    if (ch >=  A  && ch <=  F )
        strncat(value, quads[10 + ch -  A ], 4);
    if (ch >=  a  && ch <=  f )
        strncat(value, quads[10 + ch -  a ], 4);

    ch = *(++ptr);
", value);

*binAddr = *value;


char line[11], hexAddr[8], binAddr[32];
htoi(hexAddr, binAddr);
", binAddr);










页: 1

The last line (with the special characters) is the printf(binAddr) in the main function above. It is clear from the printf statements inside the function that the binary code is being constructed correctly.

我再说一遍,这并不值得一提操纵。 我做了什么错误?



const char * const quads = { "0000", "0001", "0010", .... };

const char * hex_to_bin_quad(unsigned char c)
  if (c >=  0  && c <=  9 ) return quads[     c -  0 ];
  if (c >=  A  && c <=  F ) return quads[10 + c -  A ];
  if (c >=  a  && c <=  f ) return quads[10 + c -  a ];
  return -1;

现在按您的顺序排列如下:hex_to_bin_quad(c),每种特性(例如,使用strncat)。 你们已经知道,你需要一个定点,即:<代码>4 * strlen(src) + 1,这样就可以分配、储存和压缩。



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