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原标题:Connecting to MySQL causes error "Data source name not found and no default driver specified"

I m trying to connect to a MySQL database using my ASP.NET Web Forms Application. I m carrying out a test to Bind the data from the MySQL database to a GridView.


Dim strMySQLConn As String = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Database=database_name;Server=ip_address;UID=username;PWD=password;"
    Dim MySQLConn As New OdbcConnection(strMySQLConn)

    Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

            Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet()
            Dim cmdMySQL As New OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM categorymaster", MySQLConn)


            cmdMySQL.Fill(ds, "prjs")

            gv.DataSource = ds.Tables("prjs").DefaultView


        End If
    End Sub


ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Why is this and how can I prevent it from happening?

而且,看到这一错误的可能原因是什么? 如果 log证书不正确,是否会显示这一错误?


The issue was caused because I was installing a 64-bit MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver, because my OS is running 64 bit.

由于我曾试图用几天时间解决这一问题,我用长枪把司机删除,并安装了<代码>32-bit。 MySQL ODBC 5.1 司机。

This has fixed the error and I m now making a successful connection.


Curt was right. I was having this exact issue. Since I had MySQL Workbench installed on my workstation, I assumed I had the drivers installed; Nope. Installing the driver plus calling it by the correct version, and adding command "Provider=MSDASQL;" to the connection string due to the fact that I m on a 64-bit system solved the issue for me. If you want to see all the ODBC drivers installed on your Windows system, open the registry editor to:



rel=“nofollow” Owner=”这一链接> 这一链接将把你带到MySQL驾驶员下载网站。

您不妨检查是否安装了司机。 此处为清单的指南。



我的解决办法是“找不到数据来源名称”(有5.2.4 ODBC ansi司机,Win7 64bit):

1) Install 64bit ODBC MySQL driver - it should be visible in ODBC Drivers.

2) Install 32bit ODBC MySQL的司机——在ODBC的司机中看不到这一点,但在方案档案中制造了一个“影子”安装。


My problem was that I had on my code

DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.3司机},但当我看过ODBC trough 窗户搜索引擎时,我发现了一个叫做ODBC 数据来源的信号,在 司机<>/em>的表格下,发现发动机的名称是{MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI}。 这就确定了问题。

Im把java 7与ODBC连接起来,为我工作

String driver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
String connectionString = "jdbc:odbc:"DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver};DSN=refde;Trusted_Connection=Yes;";

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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