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PHP平均开发商,希望迁到Sald+Django:直接上扬戈,或者在PHP中学习MVC框架。 [闭门]
原标题:Average PHP developer wanting to move to Python+Django : Directly go with Django or learn the MVC Framework stuff in PHP first? [closed]

As a student in web development, I work with PHP, mainly through CMSs.


我刚刚发现RoR和Django(分别为Ruby &Adhurgs)和我与这些框架进行的第一次试验,加上他们语言的令人惊讶的辛迪,我完全把我带走。

我已经作出选择:詹戈。 (我想解释一下:在我的整个研究中,我学会,Django的哲学是:“......最好只有一个——最好只有一个——可以做,而RoR的座右铭恰恰相反。) 作为一个灯塔,我认为,最好制定一个能够让我了解最佳做法的图象。 我还要补充指出,Django与Rubyd的“魔法”相比,似乎更加透明和更容易理解。


My objectives are: - Mastering Python + Django. - Learn the right way to develop MVC applications. - Become productive as fast as possible.

And considering that Django and Cake PHP are quite "similar", should I first learn "MVC in the real world" with Cake PHP before trying to begin directly with Python + Django or not? What would you do, according to your experience?

Pros for learning Cake Php first: Some of my friends already work with Cake and they could help. Learning something new is always a nice line to add on the CV.

Cons: Learning something new is always a bit stupid when you are 95% convinced you won t use it anymore in the future.






  1. Don t categorize everything that has routes, controllers, views, etc as "MVC". Django, for example, is self-described as MTV.
  2. Django is a fantastic framework and does lots of things well. You will find that the Django and Python library and community is much more "batteries included" than PHP s.
  3. Pigeonholing yourself into one language or framework is almost always a bad idea. You don t have to leave PHP, Ruby, etc forever in order to learn Django and Python. Accumulate and assimilate and you ll be more valuable.
  4. Just go read the Django documentation end to end and follow the tutorial. It ll take a few days of your time, but you ll save yourself weeks of writing code that someone else has already baked into the framework or Python.

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