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原标题:my smarty got unknown tag , but it is a legal tag

currently i change smarty 2 -> version 3


SmartyCompilerException: Syntax Error in template 
"/home/test/engine/mobile9/template/t_footer.tpl" on line 28 
"{php}" unknown tag "php" in /home/test/engine/modules/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 617

after that i check smarty 3 documentations. it shown {php} is valid operator.




{php} tags are deprecated from Smarty, and should not be used. Put your PHP logic in PHP scripts or plugin functions instead. Note

As of Smarty 3.1 the {php} tags are only available from SmartyBC.

If you re using Smarty 3.0x, it should work. If you re using Smarty 3.1, you have to install the SmartyBC class (Backwards Compatibility Wrapper) for the use of the {php}-Tag.

但是,如果可能的话,试图遵循聪明建议: PHP 字体中的Put PHP逻辑,而不是智能模板。

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