It s quite hard to explain in question title, however what I want to achieve is this:
I would like to use XAML (and possibly the visual editor) to create GUIs that won t be rendered on "MS Windows GUI" but on Bitmaps (the bitmap class from System.Drawing, not files).
This because I would like to create an easy way to "print" over the G19 small screen that it has.
I already built a library that allows me to easily fill the screen with Bitmap images. Now I would like to take the step further, allowing people with visual studio to make applet faster and easier by creating them with wpf editor.
Obviusly I need to build all components (TextBlocks, Progressbars and Images), but that s not a problem.
我无需与gui进行 mo变/板的互动,因为处理屏幕Ill使用为此目的建造的一些钥匙。
关于我从哪一开始就应该开始建造这一东西的任何建议? 我是否需要继承MarkupExtension等级? 如果可能的话,我需要一些与教员的联系(显然我将根据我的需要调整这些辅导)。