dotnet ef migrations add ExampleMigration -s ..TooSeeWeb
无法检索项目元数据。 • 确保它有一个基于MSBuild的平台。 NET Core Project. 如果您重新使用习俗基调中流层或微型信贷额度项目扩展 路径价值, 采用——项目推广方案
这是两年的,但我的情况是一样的,因此仍然具有相关性。 这是谷歌对这一错误的第一个结果。
因此,在你的屏幕上,我可以看到,你没有参加标准的视窗演播室,因此,我假定你没有在视窗上(在如何书写档案路上出现差异)。 我也看到你使用<代码>。
dotnet ef migrations add ExampleMigration -s ../TooSeeWeb
对我来说,它正在视窗上工作,但因这一错误而未能在MacOS(OS X)上工作:
Unable to retrieve project metadata. Ensure it s an SDK-style project. If you re using a custom BaseIntermediateOutputPath or MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath values, Use the --msbuildprojectextensionspath option.
MSBUILD: 错误MSB1009: 项目档案不存在。
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 在此,我更复杂的发言,涉及前方的争lash:。
dotnet ef --startup-project ./MainProject.csproj migrations add MyMigration --context MyDbContextPostgreSQL --output-dir Migrations --project ../MyDatabasePostgreSQL/MyDatabasePostgreSQL.csproj
dotnet ef --startup-project ../TooSeeWeb migrations add MigrationName -c NameOfYourDBContext
我有同样的错误。 我通过将“核心”计划列入其中来解决:
dotnet ef database update --verbose --project "src/Services/Discount/Discount.Infrastructure.Rdms" --startup-project "src/Services/Discount/Discount.Web"
这条道路应当与您目前对目的地名录的目录相对,例如,如果我把目前的目录改为/弧,道路将改为<代码>。 服务/差异/差异
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --project SolutionName/ProjectName.csproj
我的错误类似,但不同。 事实上,与@CodingYourLife提到同样的错误(如果错误的措辞随着时间的推移而改变,或者实际上是一种不同的错误),那么不管怎么说。 这是错误:
Unable to retrieve project metadata. Ensure it s an SDK-style project. If you re using a custom BaseIntermediateOutputPath or MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath values, Use the --msbuildprojectextensionspath option.
It turned out that I needed to run the dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold <list_of_options>
command from the parent folder (the one with the solution file in it - not from the PROJECT folder). I used cd ..
(to move up one folder) and re-ran the command, and it created my database-context and EF classes for the tables specified.
dotnet ef migrations add "MigrationName" -s ../ProjectName
dotnet ef migrations remove -s ../ProjectName
dotnet ef database update -s ../ProjectName
dotnet ef --startup-project ../ProjectName migrations add MigrationName -c DbContextName
dotnet ef --startup-project ../ProjectName database update -c FoodTownDbContext
dotnet ef --startup-project ../ProjectName migrations remove
-c DbContextName
dotnet tool install dotnet-ef --global
dotnet tool update dotnet-ef --global
? Your Powershell should default the root to something like
PS C:your-usersource
dotnet ef migrations add ExampleMigration
-c YourDbContext
-p ../TooSeeWeb.Infrastructure
-o Data/Migrations
您也可以使用<代码>-s来制定启动项目,在其中你有关系。 但是,既然我宣布权力开始,我就不必说明这一点,因为它违反了目前的工作名录。
您可以做以下工作:dotnet ef migrations Add -h
In my case it was caused by EF versions that I had installed.
I had Entity Framework Core .NET Command-line Tools 7.0.1
installed and the project I was trying to add the migration to, was using EF 6.
Solution was to run EntityFramework6Add-Migration
instead of Add-Migration
I had a similar experience with dotnetcore 3.1, and this worked for me.
Here s the project structure of my simple app:
I have Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore installed on ProjectWallet.Data.
a. 向贵方目录在地契上居住的项目发放;
I hope this works for someone.
first of all, your need to see the exact context name. This is needed for
dotnet ef migrations Plus -c <your context name>
dotnet ef dbcontext list
AspNetCore.Jwt.Sample.Config.MyIntIdentityContext AspNetCore.Jwt.Sample.Config.MyIdentityContext
见......情况不止一个。 选择
<代码>dotnet efmigration> - c AspNetCore.Jwt.Sample.Config.MyIntIdentityContext
and! 它现在运作良好。
dotnet ef migrations add <paramname> --startup-project ../<Web/Web.csproj> --project ../<Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj>
dotnet ef migrations remove --startup-project ../<Web/Web.csproj> --project ../<Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj>
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