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原标题:why is this for loop taking so long?
  • 时间:2011-11-23 14:50:02
  •  标签:
  • c++


//for testing, this is usually a value of about 27
int test = level.PathLookupVectors()[globalNodePositionIndex][globalNodeChoice].size();

for (int i = 0; i < level.PathLookupVectors()[globalNodePositionIndex][globalNodeChoice].size(); i++)
    //adds the correct nodes to the search


I ger in results results results 结 果 它应被初步确定为0,但出于某种原因,其数量非常高,这反过来又意味着 lo不执行。


EDIT - just changed it so that it s just an int, now it gets a value of -82938723047 or some such number. why on earth is this happening? It s ruining my program!

你们几乎肯定会放弃错误的树木。 该法典:

for (int i = 0; 

......初始编号i0,期间。 如果你再次试图在浮标中夸大其价值,而浮标语说:i具有像未开发的垃圾数据等价值,那么,在<代码>i之前或之后,你或许会看<代码>i。 例如,在MSVC,如果在你第一次进入该休息室之前检查i,它通常会有停车场数据。

这不是你重新寻找的roid。 随行。




By the way, if the type of level.PathLookupVectors()[globalNodePositionIndex][globalNodeChoice] is a vector of some kind, I d prefer that you use a for loop constructed like this.

/*psudocode*/ for( vector::iterator it = v.begin(), it_end = v.end(); it != it_end; ++it )

If you don t need the index of the element you re trying to access, then why refer to it? You re just introducing another potential failure point in your code.



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