I m 试图在pycassa
,但遇到一些超级栏 set的麻烦: 我似乎无法为超级栏中所载的一栏设置一个有效器。 我在试图做这样的事情。
cf.column_validators[ supercolumn_name ][ column_name ] = types.FloatType()
cf.column_validators[ supercolumn_name ] = {}
doesn t work either... So any example on how to handle this are appreciated, as the official pycassa doc doesn t show any more detailled information on this. Furthermore these validators don t seem to be persistent, so is there any possibility on setting them persistently?
cf.column_validators[ column_name ] = types.FloatType()
the! 能否让有效人员保持某种活力,问题依然存在?