English 中文(简体)
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原标题:asp.net passing an instance of a class between pages

On page one I would like to create an instance of a class as such:

    pOne = New pClass()
    xOne = New xClass(pOne)

Then on subsequent pages I would like to be able to use pOne and xOne. Since pOne and xOne are local to page one how can I use them in other pages?


You may use Session variable to store that object and use it in another page.

//Set the session

页: 1

   // If object is present in session, Cast that to our class (PClass) type
   PClass objP1=(PClass) Session["p1"];  
   //Now you can use objP1
   XClass objx1=(XClass) Session["x1"];  
   //Now you can use objx1 


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 这里是VB。 NET版本(我希望这项工作,在VB中我没有什么经验)。 NET

 // Set the Session


 if Session("p1") IsNot Nothing Then
   Dim objP1 As pClass       
    Now you can use objP1
 End If

 if Session("x1") IsNot Nothing Then
   Dim objX1 As xClass
    Now you can use objX1
 End If

页: 1 HttpContext. 项目,然后,您不必清理ling物,除非再造:

rel=“nofollow”> 利用HttpContext 项目藏书通过横跨的物体

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