English 中文(简体)
原标题:Am I right in saying that const_cast followed by modification on a ref-to-const bound to a temporary is okay?



可以接受<代码>const_cast a const。 提及受临时物体的约束?

<>Translating: 他有临时约束的对口,希望删除其const-ness加以修改。

我的答复是,我请a 此前的“号”问题类似,其中的共识似乎是,温室本身不是const,因此,你可以删除const-即你必须参考的编号,并通过结果加以修改。 只要原有的代号为<->const仍然存在,这便会影响到临时寿命。


int main()
   const int& x = int(3);

   int& y = const_cast<int&>(x);
   y = 4;

   cout << x;
// Output: 4
// ^ Legal and safe





First, as far as I can tell, whether it is a literal or not is irrelevant. Rvalues of non-class types always have non-cv qualified types (§3.10/9), however, in §8.5.3 (initialization of a reference), we have:

提及“cv1 T1”类时,先用“cv2 T2”类表述:



Otherwise, a temporary of type “cv1 T1” is created and initialized from the initializer expression using the rules for a non-reference copy initialization (8.5). The reference is then bound to the temporary. If T1 is reference-related to T2, cv1 must be the same cv-qualification as, or greater cvqualification than, cv2; otherwise, the program is ill-formed.



int const& x = ...;

So cv1 T1 is int const, and the temporary object we create has type int const. This is a top level const (on the object), so any attempt to modify it is undefined behavior.

这至少是我的解释。 我祝愿这一标准更加明确。




另一方面,如果该临时人员是由汇编者间接为你创造的,那么临时人员本身就会 con。 在该案中,修改这一临时办法后,可向联邦调查委员会提出。

不幸的是,C++语言标准本身似乎不能保证采用先入为主的方法的任何情况。 不管怎样,汇编员都可以介绍一份额外的临时原件。 新的临时人员(如上所述),因此是不可调和的。 如8.5.3/5所述,这种情况是否发生?

So, in general case the answer is no, while an implementation-specific answer might be different.

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