This is a bit different to all the other questions as they all seem to refer to the head content specifically. With this one, I have a user control with the following placeholder:
<asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="DiscussIncludes">
var OnLastPage = <asp:Literal runat="server" ID="OnLastPageJS" />;
var AJAXWait = false;
var MinChars = <%=Settings.MinimumCommentChars%>;
var AJAXURL = "<%=ResolveClientUrl("~/Handlers/DiscussAjaxHandler.ashx")%>";
var CurrUsername = "<%=ThisUser.Username %>";
var GravHash = "<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="GravJSRef" />";
var RelURL = "<%=ResolveClientUrl("~/users/")%>";
var Anch = "<%=Anchor.ToString()%>";
var MyRep = "<%=MyRepString%>";
var CurrReportID = 0;
var LastPageURL = "<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="JSLastPageURL" />";
var AllowedChars = <%=Settings.MaxCommentChars %>;
<script src="<%=CommonFunctions.AllocateStaticPath("/js/Discuss.js?v=" + Settings.JSVersionID)%>"></script>
<script src="<%=CommonFunctions.AllocateStaticPath("/js/BlockUI.js?v=" + Settings.JSVersionID)%>"></script>
ContentPlaceHolder FooterControl = (ContentPlaceHolder)Page.Master.FindControl("JavascriptIncludes");
to <%#
within the place holder but no luck.
值得注意的是,这一控制在我的所有其他网页上都做了罚款。 造成这种情况的想法是什么?