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原标题:Unity - Interception for a WCF service class?

i) 用户和邮局;服务器应用程序,利用世界功能基金进行通信。 在每个海关会议的信息中增加一些信息,即把客户的WCF频道划入“ClientChannelProxy”级,并利用“团结拦截”的延伸,在使用方面增加我的客户信息。

IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IClientService, ClientServiceProxy>();


But how to setup unity and interception on the server side? My WCF service is configured in a .SVC file, i don t have any possiblity to configure interception and getting my aspects executed.

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="Test.ClientService" %>
<!-- How to configure Unity Interception for this WCF-Service ? -->

Would ne nice if anyone could help me getting it working. Thanks!


You need to create an inspector/interceptor on the server side. You may refer to this post: WCF Parameter Validation with Interceptor and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms751495.aspx


You could enable your WCF service with DI on implementing your own InstanceProvider, ServiceHost, etc. with Unity. So you ll be able to plug your aspect.

Here s an exemple of how it could be achieved : http://initializecomponent.blogspot.com/2008/06/integrating-unity-with-wcf.html

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