Hi guys i have a question??I want to move column in another file and match with rows and column and put in exact position.
COURSE NAME: Java CREDITS: 4 200345 88 300126 78 287136 68 200138 71 COURSE NAME: Operating System CREDITS: 4 287136 86 200138 72 200345 77 300056 78
STUDENT ID Java Operating System GPA 200138 200345 287136 300056 300126
STUDENT ID Java Operating System GPA 200138 71 72 200345 88 77 287136 68 86 300056 - 78 300126 78 -
awk NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next} {print $0 FS a [$1];next} file1 file2
STUDENT ID JAVA Operating Systems GPA 200138 72 200345 77 287136 86 300056 78 300126 78
I tried alot:( Can you please help me?