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原标题:doctrine 2 left join

如何在Doctrine 2中使用――> from(),->leftjoin......


select c.* from category left join domande as d on d.category_id = c.id left join age as a on d.age_id = a where a.age > 30 and a.id is not null

i 保持

Fatal error: Uncaught exception  DoctrineORMQueryQueryException  with message  [Semantical Error] line 0, col 63 near  d ORDER BY c.ordine : Error: Identification Variable EntitiesDomanda used in join path expression but was not defined before. 

您可在询问中打字——请注意,在你所问的两个地点,“Domande”和“Domanda”的表述有所不同。 另外,你没有提及按条款分列的文件汇编,但错误信息确实如此。


$query = $em->createQuery(
     SELECT c FROM EntitiesCategory LEFT JOIN c.domande d LEFT JOIN d.age a 
     WHERE a.age > 30 AND a.id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY c.ordine );
$results = $query->getResult();


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