English 中文(简体)
extjs gridpanel: 当GridPanel窗再次显示时,Column Model就变得无效。
原标题:extjs gridpanel: ColumnModel becomes null when GridPanel window shows again

我用预先配置的Column Model和仓库界定了GridPanel,并将这一GridPanel置于Ext.Window中;然而,如果我关闭并再次显示,GridPanel的Column Model倒台,那么该GridPanel无法正确提供。


 var stSummary = new Ext.data.JsonStore({ //define the store for Summary_Grid
        fields : [
            name:  recID 
        }, {
            name :  name ,
        data: []

var colModelSummary = { //define the ColumnModel for Summary_Grid
            header : "ID",
            width : 50,
            sortable : true,
            menuDisabled: true,
            dataIndex :  recID 
            header : "Name",
            width : 100,
            sortable : true,
            menuDisabled: true,
            dataIndex :  name 

var reportConfig = {
    id :  Report_Window ,
    width : 250,
    floating : true,
    style : {
        opacity : 0.7,
    title : "Report",
    layout:  fit ,
    items : [{
        xtype:  tabpanel ,
        id:  Report_Tab ,
        height: 200,
        activeTab: 1,
                xtype :  grid ,
                store : stSummary,
                colModel : new Ext.grid.ColumnModel(colModelSummary),
                stripeRows : true,
                id : "Summary_Grid",
                title : "Summary at",
                sm : new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
                    singleSelect : true
                listeners: {
                     beforerender : function() {
                xtype :  form ,
                id :  Report_Form ,
                title:  Item Report ,
                frame : true,
                labelAlign :  left ,
                bodyStyle :  padding:2px ,
                autoScroll: true,
                layout :  column ,
                items : []  
    resizable : {
        dynamic : true
var reportWindow = new Ext.Window(reportConfig);


document.onclick = myClickHandler;

    function myClickHandler() {
      if(!Ext.getCmp( Report_Window )) {
        var reportWindow = new Ext.Window(reportConfig);

      Ext.getCmp( Report_Window ).show();


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property  length  of undefined
Ext.grid.ColumnModel.Ext.extend.getColumnCount                  ext-all.js:11

我实际上只是抄录了你的法典。 我在结尾处添加了Window.show()的报告——它起作用! 你们能否展示所有法典?

Please note that it might be a close/hide problem, do you recreate your window each time?



Check this for details:


我再次测试你的法典,并再次工作! 我只纠正了像外衣一样的几件事——我的哈尔伯建议了。 之后,我把它放入了Ext.onReady——它起作用! Ext.version = 3.2.1

Check the whole code:

Ext.onReady(function() {
    var stSummary = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
//define the store for Summary_Grid
            fields: [
                    name:  recID 
                }, {
                    name:  name 
            data: []

    var colModelSummary = {
//define the ColumnModel for Summary_Grid
                    header: "ID",
                    width: 50,
                    sortable: true,
                    menuDisabled: true,
                    dataIndex:  recID 
                    header: "Name",
                    width: 100,
                    sortable: true,
                    menuDisabled: true,
                    dataIndex:  name 

    var reportConfig = {
        id:  Report_Window ,
        width: 250,
        floating: true,
        style: {
            opacity: 0.7
        title: "Report",
        layout:  fit ,
        items: [{
            xtype:  tabpanel ,
            id:  Report_Tab ,
            height: 200,
            activeTab: 1,
                        xtype:  grid ,
                        store: stSummary,
                        colModel: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel(colModelSummary),
                        stripeRows: true,
                        id: "Summary_Grid",
                        title: "Summary at",
                        sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
                            singleSelect: true
                        listeners: {
                             beforerender : function() {
                        xtype:  form ,
                        id:  Report_Form ,
                        title:  Item Report ,
                        frame: true,
                        labelAlign:  left ,
                        bodyStyle:  padding:2px ,
                        autoScroll: true,
                        layout:  column ,
                        items: []
        resizable: {
            dynamic: true
    var reportWindow = new Ext.Window(reportConfig);


    document.onclick = myClickHandler;

    function myClickHandler() {
        if (!Ext.getCmp( Report_Window )) {
            reportWindow = new Ext.Window(reportConfig);

        Ext.getCmp( Report_Window ).show();


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