English 中文(简体)
jqgrid rerow, not work with paging
原标题:jqgrid restorerow not working with paging

There is a jqgrid with 10 records in it. Each record has a button that makes the current row editable. after the edit button is pressed, we populate the old edit field with a save and cancel edit button. After a save/cancel, the edit button is restored. This all works fine until you try and edit a record, then change attempt to change the page to the next 10 records.

        var btnSave = "<input style= height:22px;  type= button  value= Save  onclick="$( #list ).jqGrid( saveRow ,  " + rowId + " , null,   <%= Url.Action("GridSave","Translation")%> , null, aftersavefunc);" />";
        var btnCancel = "<input style= height:22px;  type= button  value= Cancel  onclick="$( #list ).jqGrid( restoreRow ,  " + rowId + " , aftercancelfunc);" />";
        $("#list").jqGrid( setRowData , rowId, { act: btnSave + btnCancel });


This is within the paging code:

onPaging: function (pgButton) {
                    // pgButton: first, last, prev, next, records (# of records ddl), user (user types in new page num)

                    // if in edit mode:
                    var nextPg = $("#list").getGridParam("page");
                    var nextRecords = $("#list").getGridParam("rowNum");

                    if(inEditMode) {
                        var result = confirm("You might be abandoning unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to perform this action?");
                        if (!result) {
                           $("#list").setGridParam({ page: currPg, rowNum: currRecords }); //Workaround - jqGrid still increments the page num even when we return stop so we have to reset it (and track the current page num)
                           return  stop ;
                        else {
                            $("#list").jqGrid( showCol , ["act"]);



我们所看到的问题是,如果你篡夺记录、尝试和改变页数,取消页数的改动,并尝试和取消对记录的编辑,则复劳永不会使记录领域再次变得不正确。 它还将储蓄/集装箱纽扣吨改为ed。

奇怪的是,在采取相同步骤后节省开支会受到罚款。 它只是恢复问题。



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