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装满时的 Android
原标题:Android AVD emulator hangs while loading
  • 时间:2011-11-22 17:01:27
  •  标签:
  • android

I seem to have messed up AVD Emulator and need some expert help in solving the problem.


  1. When I try to open my_avd (my default avd) from AVD Manager, it takes a very long time to load (approx 10 - 20 mins). When loading completes, it just hangs and does not respond to any clicks (unlock mode!).
  2. I try loading my app on this emulator, it is abandoned with: "emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling com.app.xyz.xyzactivity activity launch !"
  3. 在试图从终点站发射我的肩_时(......android-sdk-linux/tools$ /emulator -avd my_avd ),装载时间较少,但放弃了终点站的“隔离错误”。

    • I have tried deleting & re-creating my_avd multiple times, but no go.
    • Have tried increasing the Device ram size to 1024 also, but even that did not help.
    • Tried the Snapshot: Enabled mode while creating my_avd, but that only worsens the problem.
    • Have reinstalled eclipse, android sdk, etc.

我在乌班图11.x(安装了Az32-libs)上使用Eclipse、Andan 4.0(API 14)。

Any help/ suggestions will be highly appreciated.

预 收



引文另一种版本。 我对APIC14和15提出了这一问题,但与其他各方一道做了罚款。 如果你能够与例如第8号或第10号普通照会合作,那么你就会与你的DVD支持者产生问题。 我建议你允许Eclipse选择你所用的装置(根据你的目标版本和在你的DVD管理员上登记的装置)。 检查该装置的配置,并确保这些装置与你重新使用的真正装置相同。 这里是摩托拉-间谍(Rodid 2.3.3)。

Name    : Motorola_spice_key   
Device  : 2.7   QVGA(240x320:ldpi) 
CPU/ABI : ARM(armeabi)
Target  : Android 2.3.3 (Api level 10)
skin    : 240x320
snapshot: true
Memory - RAM/VMHeap : 512 / 16
Internal Storage: 200MiB
SD Card : 512Mib

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