kay i 放弃了护卫,i dont 知道一只狗会得到任何价值,但现在却 that。
i 只读4个字面值。 i 在记忆中搜寻42只字面。
i 已经知道,阵列的规模必须达到4,但必须达到真正的民主价值。
for (int j = 0; j < bytes.Length; ++j ) {
svalue += "+" + bytes[j];
i) 从中获取真实的分数
216 184 93 255 // these are stored inside the bytearray which should be 42 dec.
i guess something went really wrong ?
i 读为这些价值观
ReadProcessMemory(readHandle, ((IntPtr)baseAddress + 0x000D3A10), bytes, (UIntPtr)4, ref rw);
int test = BitConverter.ToInt32(new_bytes,0);
// OLD My full code:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Process[] iexp = Process.GetProcessesByName("iexplore");
if (iexp.Length == 0) {
listBox1.Items.Add("NOT FOUND");
Process internet = iexp[0];
uint baseAddress = (uint)internet.MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32();
IntPtr readHandle = OpenProcess(0x0010, false, (uint)internet.Id);
byte[] bytes = new byte[24];
uint rw = 0;
uint size=sizeof(int);
ReadProcessMemory(readHandle, ((IntPtr)baseAddress + 0x00581CCE), bytes,
(UIntPtr)24, ref rw);
string sname= Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
ReadProcessMemory(readHandle, (IntPtr)baseAddress + 0x00528744, bytes,
(UIntPtr)size, ref rw);
int someNumber = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);