English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to "(WHERE) column = column" in Mongo?

我喜欢Mongo这样简单的事情,所以我希望利用它来做一些更先进的事情。 在我需要之前,这样做是徒劳的:

UPDATE tbl SET a = b WHERE c <> 0

a = b part is what I can t out. 我尝试了mongodb.org,但我看不到。 页: 1 WHERE a = b,但我无法发现这两种情况。

另一种选择是,所有各行各样,而不是单独更新,但我不喜欢。 它必须更加简单。



You want to check the documentation for updating.

Your code might look like:
db.tbl.update( { c:{$ne:0}}, { $set: { a : b } } );

If you need to brush up on advanced queries (e.g. using $ne), then check here:

Apparently you can t update with data from the same document.
MongoDB: Updating documents using data from the same document

<EDIT 2(用地图压缩):

var c = new Mongo();
var db = c.getDB( db )
var s = db.getCollection( s )

mapreduce: s ,
  var i = this._id; //we will emit with a unique key. _id in this case
  this._id=undefined; //strange things happen with merge if you leave the id in
  //update your document with access to all fields!

query:{z:1},    //apply to only certain documents
out:{merge: s } //results get merged (overwrite themselves in collection)

//now take a look


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