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Where can I find information about NOSQL implementation patterns?
  • 时间:2009-12-01 04:01:48
  •  标签:
  • nosql

Just came across this article about NOSQL patterns (not mine). It s covers lots of NOSQL implementation patterns, from a developers point of view (like hashing and replication patterns).

All in all it s very useful in case anyone is asking themselves about the question:

Where can I find information about NOSQL implementation patterns?

So added a question here, please feel free to add more answers!


A great article about NOSQL patterns is found here:



  • API model

  • Machines layout

  • Data partitioning (Consistent Hashing)

  • Data replication

  • Membership Changes

  • Client Consistency

  • Master Slave (or Single Master) Model

  • Multi-Master (or No Master) Model

  • Quorum Based 2PC

  • Vector Clock

  • State Transfer Model

  • Operation Transfer Model

  • Map Reduce Execution

  • Handling Deletes

  • Storage Implementation


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