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原标题:Get TypeSyntax from ITypeSymbol
  • 时间:2011-11-22 17:41:24
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • roslyn

I m experimenting a bit with the Roslyn-CTP.

Currently I m trying to replace var with the concrete type.

var i=1;


int i=1;

简单明了所推断的类型。 但是,由于这一部分出现在语法模式中,因此,我收到了一份。 更换是在辛塔克斯模式中进行的,因此,我需要一个<条码>。 由于我不希望获得一个缩略语(global:System.Int32),转换的背景取决于(using, nested categories等)。

The Visual studio version that s part of Roslyn already has this functionality in its "Simplify type name" quickfix, but looking over the samples I couldn t find an easy way to do this conversion.

Based on Kevin Pilch-Bisson s answer I m now using:

var location = document.GetSyntaxTree().GetLocation(node);
string name = variableType.ToMinimalDisplayString((Location)location, (SemanticModel)document.GetSemanticModel());

A location which ToMinimalDisplayString can be obtained from a CommonSyntaxTree.

An additional complication is that ToMinimalDisplayString requires the classes Location and SemanticModel, whereas document.GetSemanticModel() and CommonSyntaxTree.GetLocation only return an interface.
I worked around by simply casting to the classes, which seems to work for now.


I ve uploaded a working edition on github:

It doesn t work for var in a foreach, but I suspect that s a limitation of the current Roslyn build.



申斥: 我在微软公司罗斯林小组工作。


问题: 提出可取消的论点类型。 它可以是习俗目标或系统识别。



[他的身份识别名指是习惯物体。 它可以被预先界定。

 Class A
     public bool ? test;
    public b ? obj1;
 // Get the semantic model and get the property declarationsyntax

 PropertyDeclarationSyntax prop = (get it somehow)[]

 INamedTypeSymbol tp = (INamedTypeSymbol)x.Type;

 string nameoftype = tp.TypeArguments.FirstOrDefault().Name;

 ITypeSymbol s1 = tp.TypeArguments.FirstOrDefault();

 TypeSyntax t1 = SyntaxFactory.ParseTypeName(s1.ToMinimalDisplayString(semanticModel, 

 t1.kind == IdentifierName meaning its custom object type.

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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